Last Update: November 23, 2023

Planned Check-In: W1 2024

This page contains concrete, clear, measurable steps that the lab is implementing to break down discrimination in academia and psychological research. It is publicly viewable, and based on the larger goals made in our Our Long-Term Goals for Changing Exclusionary Academic Culture.

Most of the time, these initiatives are a product of targeted lab meetings, but if you have comments or suggestions for other ones even outside the regular lab meeting schedule, please let somebody in the lab know right away, or comment on this page. When thinking about ideas for initiatives we can take, consider them at various levels: at the level of our lab culture, at recruitment of students and staff, at subject recruitment, at the level of the Department of Psychology, and at academia as a whole. While we have more power to do more at the level of the lab, brainstorming ideas that can be taken to other levels is crucially important and welcomed. Whenever possible, these initiatives should have clear success/failure conditions so that they can be reliably reviewed and updated. Accountability and transparency are key.

If you would like to make an anonymous suggestion for any improvements to lab policies or structures, you can use our anonymous suggestion form here:

List of Current Lab Initiatives

Plan/Suggestion for Future Initiatives to be Discussed